Thursday, January 31, 2008

Types of headaches

Migraine types-
1. Classic
2. Common
3. Complicated
4. Retinal
5. Opthalmoplegic
6. Benign mydriasis, episodic as a sign of migraine
7. Basilar (Bickerstaff) migraine
8. Hemiplegic
9. Vertiginous
10. Acephalgic

Non migraine headache
11. Tension
12. ebound
13. Cluster
14. Paroxysmal hemicrania (differentiate from cluster partly by female predominance, shorter duration and response to indomethacin)
15. Sunct syndrome-- unresponsive to indomethacin and SUNA syndrome
16.Ice pick headache
17. Ptussive headache (consider relation to Chiari malformation or rarely subdural hematoma)
18. Thunderclap headache
19. Greater occipital neuralgai
20. Hypnic headache
21. Carotid dissection
22. Temporal arteritis
23. Post-traumatic headache
24. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
25. Intracranial hypertension (with or without pappilledema)

Headaches related to eye disease
26. Corneal erosion/disease
27. Intraocular disease-- include acute angle glaucoma, scleritis, iritis, uveitis.
28. Optic neuritis
29. Eye strain

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