Saturday, August 20, 2011

the fourteen review of systems are.... (drumroll)

I hate to waste my few remaining neurons on memorizing this but its clear that failure to document will cost not one but two levels of reimbursement (and no one cannot attest in aggregate " a fourteen point ROS was done and was negative") and one cannot make up your own 14 ROS or state there are 17 or 35 there are only 14 defined by PAYORS (no matter how retarded the categories) here they are
1.  General/Constitutional
2.  Eyes
3.  ENT
4.  Heart/CV
5.  Respiratory
6.  GIT
7.  GU
8.  Musculoskeletal
9.  Neurologic
11. Psychiatric
12. All/immunologic
13. Skin
14.  Endocrine
Health screening

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