Sunday, April 22, 2007

Internuclear opthalmoplegia: Unusual causes in 114/410

Keane JR. Arch Neurol. 2005; 62:714-717. Uunusual causes not stroke or MS occur in 28 % overall, 42 % of unilateral cases the author has seen over three plus decades in practice. Of 410 cases, 38 % (157)were due to stroke (5.157 due to cardiac emboli), 139 (34 %) due to MS, and 114 (28%) due to "unusual" causes. These included 16 patients with blunt head injury, one gunshot wound, and one with blood loss after a stabbing. Two motor vehicular collisions led to vertebral artery injury after cervical spine fracture. Tentorial herniation after CNS infection occurred in 2; one had a subdural empyema , bilateral SDH, TB meningitis There were two cases of brainstem toxoplasmosis, 1 lymphoma and 3 brainstem encephalitis, all inHIV patients. 4 patients with cysticercosis had lesions in caudal aqueduct or fourth ventricle. Two patients had neurosyphilis. 12 patients had iatrogenic injury including angiography, tumor emobolization, CEA, cardiac catheterization, 1 hydrocephalus, 1 Wernicke's encephalopathy, 1 brainstem atrophy, one carbamazepine overdose, one cerebellar hemorrhagic infarct with pontine compression, one spinocerebellar atrophy with pigmentary changes.

Pseudo INO was seen in 27/182 patients with myasthenia gravis, 2 patients with GBS, 1/38 with Fisher s, 1 with abetalipoporoteninemia, andcalorics showed an INO pattern in several comatose patients. PSP shows preferential weakness of the medial rectus with improvement with caloric stimulation.

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