Sunday, May 13, 2012

temporal arteritis pearls

CTA or MRA for evidence of large vessel involvement

PET for evidence of aortic inflammation

ESR is <50 in 10 % and< 40 in 5.8 %, CRP more sensitive

Other labs- anemia, increased Platelets,fibrinogen and alk phos occur

some use aspirin

65 % have visual obscurations before permanent visual loss, on average 8.5 days before

Contralateral eye may be affected, average, 5 days after first eye has visual loss.

lack of relief with prednisone is a sign of wrong diagnosis

1990 criteria require 3/5: 
new onset headache or new type of headache
age > 50
TA tender orpulseless, unrelated to atherosclerosis
WSR> 50
Abnormal biopsy with inflammation and multinucleate giant cells

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